
Marketing Transformation With Team Structures And Individual Skills

Designing a productive, modern marketing environment is an intricate question, with an intricate answer, as it depends on your particular situation, like – Whether you are in B2B or B2C? Whether you are selling directly to end users, selling online or selling via channels? Whether you are in retail or eCommerce, or may be both?

Hence, depending upon the above answers, you’ll structure your marketing environment in your own way. But then, there are a few things that can surely help you in transforming your marketing organization structure.


Organize along the business strategy

The main component that affects how you should organize the digital marketing is identified with your business strategy. If you are a SaaS Company, you most likely will focus on lead nurturing and freemium contact conversion. However, if you are in e-commerce sector, you might be focusing on the generation and conversion of the demand. Nonetheless, in most organizations people have a mix of business strategies.

Organize by Functional Expertise

The foundation of a robust marketing organization begins with expertise in various fields. Go through the list below and see if there are expertise gaps that needs to be filled in your organization.

Introduce New Functions  

Depending on the setup, size and internal structure of your company, you’ll need to create new roles for doing different things.

Chief Content Manager

Organizations (big or small) at all times need somebody  pushing the creation of content marketing strategy, and driving for execution, while testing the quality of the output.

Online Digital Copy

Digital marketing demands generating many small content assets and micro-copies. Think of emails, landing pages, memes and graphs, SEO and SEA micro-copy. No outsourcing, this role needs to be internal, so you can adapt quickly and move fast.

Marketing Technologist

Today customers demand 24 hour service and instant gratification. For this to achieve you’ll need a new role that plots the vision while taking in to account the overall management of the marketing technology.

Digital Optimizer

 This role is apropos fetching digital optimization into activities like – content creation, content publishing and content maintenance and above content distribution via high quality influencer and blogger outreach

Content Program Manager

Organization with big size and setup there has to be a role that would support the chief content manager in both developing and achieving various content programs that are part of the overall content marketing strategy.

Head of Digital

Then, you’ll need someone for keeping a tight control on the whole of the digital customer experience, and pushing parallel connections among all applications, channels and digital initiatives.

Introduce Agile Marketing Operations

Agile marketing is simply another method by which the marketing team conveys the value of their service/product to consumers. For achieving the results you will need specialists with using specific strategies.

Getting organized for robust marketing environment is a convoluted mission. But, it is the job of a CMO to reap the benefits of modern marketing, while remaining competitive.


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